Thursday 31 January 2013

My Little Creations

I did it!! Cooking has never been my passion and kitchen is never my place. I dislike the food preparation, the oil, the heat and the washing. If I were to choose 1 of the above, I will choose washing although I hate to do it too, it was the easiest of all. 

But when you grow older and moving out from your parents house or comfort zone, something need to be done. You can't rely everyday on the fast food chains (cos these food makes you gain weight faster than you ever realized), or survive on bread, buns or instant noodles. These food make you sick, if not fat :p

So I have taken 1 step further, bought some good kitchen wares, shop for some groceries and based on some whatsapp recipes that friends sent, I kick start my mission to cook. Some simple healthy meals to keep the stomach full at the same time doesn't required much works (actually still loads of work). Combined with some ingredients (not so much on ingredients actually but rather something you can get off the shelves and eat on its own), I managed to produce some happiness on the plate. Tadaaa.... My creations .....

Mushroom soups. A canned of Campbell wild mushroom (where you can just heat up and eat/drink just like that), and a packet of Shitake mushroom, blend it to ... Errr... Not too fine. Mix into the canned mushroom and cook. The result is nicer color mushroom soup, with slight texture too.

Then I have this vegetarian soup. Lol... I'm not vegetarian, just that I couldn't find any meat at home unless my flesh count but I can't cook myself right? right? I just cut and dump in all veges I have in the fridge, carrots, cabbage, onions, tofu and mushroom again. Put everything in the pot and add in water to cover everything. I'm not sure what is this process call but my term is boil until everything is soft. Add lil bit of salt (i added too much :p) 

Then I have this lazy people syndrome. I found the easiest way to fill my stomach. That will be steaming the sweet potatoes (with skin). Steam until they are soft enough and you cut to half, peel the skin and eat them fresh. Full of carbs and fibers.... I concluded this as healthy carbs.

My friend gave me this idea to prepare egg sandwich for lunch at work. Healthy and fast preparation for a non-morning-person. Hard boiled the egg, mash them and spread onto the wholemeal bread. Didn't add anything to the mashed egg because I was taught to add mayo and pepper, but both are not my kinda thing.

Lastly, I was experimenting with this thing my mom used to prepare for tea time. I called it the Bombay style but apparently it's called the French Toast by most. What I did was, break the eggs and stir them until they look add a pinch of sugar or more, to taste. Then you dip your breads into the egg, take it out and fry them with minimal oil. Looks good ya...

See, the very easy to prepare stuff and i didn't go hungry in January 2013. Actually, i repeated the above preparation a couple of times so that I can improve and they should taste better :)

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