Monday 14 January 2013

Gratitude #1

This will be my first gratitude post after i have sort of promised myself to feel grateful and write a Thank You note. I guess I shall do it on weekly basis.

My first Thank You Note goes to Mrs Mohiuddin and Mamanurins... ahaha.. i just love to call them with these names. Thank you for i) offering me free swimming lesson, ii) your patience with the water phobic, iii) for learning and swimming together, iv) the delicious Nandos dinner and last but not least v) the snoopy henna on my ankle. 

For the first time i don't have fear going into the pool. You gals rock!! You make me feel like a dolphin.  Maybe dolphin is a bit exaggerating but who cares, I want to swim like dolphin one day :D 

Then of course the nice artwork on my ankle. See, so cute I will die. Who can draw so freely without practice and the outcome is so snoopy ... Lol.. what kinda compliment is that

I don't have picture for our Nandos dinner. Guessed we were all too hungry to even snap a picture of the chicken platters. It was good after all. Not to mention the 2 lil angels who ate quietly. Poor things, they must be really hungry as it already past their dinner time. We eat earlier next time.

Love hanging out with you gals. More workout and healthy meal next round ok. Ciao ;)

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