Monday 14 January 2013

13 for 13

This is about 13 things i plan to do or rather i MUST do in the year of 2013.

In no particular order, these are the 13 things i would like to accomplish this year. Not a new year resolution but just some random stuff that crossed my mind one day at work when i have nothing better to do completed my tasks for that day.

1. Hiking and trekking
A hobby that i have recently picked up. This year challenge is to go hiking at Nepal. I have completed a few trekking / hiking locally so, Nepal is the next big thing. Flight ticket booked, lodging booked, training... errr.. starting :)

2. Run a 21KM Marathon
Never did i realized I will go into running until I have tried it a year ago. It was really fun to be running outdoor. Seriously.. I thought  running was bored cos I was only used to running on a treadmill in the gym before that.

3. To lose 10KG 
Now this one sounds like new year resolution, lol. It has been my resolution for many years already, to lose weight yet it never really happened. With the Thing 1 and Thing 2, I'm sure its possible this time around. If i'm persistent and consistent, to achieve Thing 3 is now pretty easy :)

4. Learn to cook
This is also one of the thing that i have wanted to do and struggling to achieve. Having my own little place called home now has make this possible. Will see... anyway, I'm picking up a lil bit here and there over the past few months and I'm gonna make it better this year.

5. Eat Healthy

With this i supposed it means loads of fruits and Vegetables (fibres) and less meat and carbs although the latter(s) are still essential. Watch the amount and very soon you don't just get healthy but beautiful inside out :D This will be my major concern, to have a better complexion.

6. Sleep Early
Does this also means sleep like a baby? I'm not sure though.. but if i can sleep like one, why not. look at those skin, those eyes...don't you want them? I have developed a very bad sleeping habit over the years, sleeping really late and don't want to get out of bed in the morning. So yes, i want to sleep early and wake up early, it makes a healthier me.

7. Exercise more
60 Minutes a day is my daily target. It ain't easy  but with some good time management and determination, this is not too hard after all. You want that Jillian Michael's body, you gotta work hard to get it and I'm working hard toward obtaining it.

8. Blog more
It doesn't make sense for creating a blog site without blogging ya? So, ya just write more, express more and share more. Life is all about sharing after all.

9. Charity
Lend my hands to those in needs. Do more charity. If i could managed in terms of monetary, I will. Otherwise, anything counts when come to charity. It's the sincerity that comes from within the heart <3

10. Read a book a month
Reading has been my hobby since young. I enjoy reading as much as I enjoy surfing online. This year I will make myself read more with faster speed. This is not difficult to achieve at all.. let's see

11. Write a THANK YOU note
What's more important than being grateful for what you have had today? The Power of Gratitude says how counting your blessings can help you get what you want in life.. Okay, this one i simply say one. I haven't read the book and i don't know the content. I just want to be thankful for what I have today.

12. Travel Fund
So much i love to travel and so bad I'm at financial management. This year I'm setting aside RM10/day fund to bring me further and further around the globe ;) Manageable i think.. Better than i have the money spent on some unnecessary stuff eg. buying junk food

13. Learn to Swim
I have got a good teacher who is willing to teach me for free, so... why should i hesitate? You don't get free lunch everyday... hehe. I'm making full use of this opportunity. Btw, swimming is the best work out that don't hurt your joints and build muscle pretty fast too. Did i mention lose weight as well?

Now that i have finished listing out and putting pictures to each of them, i realized my plans for 2013 are mainly about making myself healthier and fitter. Perhaps health is the major concern when you are at this age. You are getting older but you just don't want to feel old ... lol

Oh ya, the lionking said he will quit smoking if i lose weight. He wanted 45KG, I'm sure I can give. hahaha. 

Last but not least, I have to credit google image for the pictures attached. None of the pictures were taken or own by me. For the owners of the pictures, please do not sue me. You motivate me and makes me a better person, thank you.

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