Thursday 24 January 2013

Gratitude #2

I have couple of things to be thankful for today. But for the first time in my life (I think it is the first time), i would like to THANK GOD (although I have always blurted.. Oh God, Thank God, OMG... but these were my usual spontaneous exclaimations, and I didn't mean anything tho). I'm religionless although, I was brought up in TAOism family. We pray to the God Guan Yin, the Sky God and others and ancestors on certain dates in a year such as Chinese New Year, 1st and 15th day of Chinese calendar, Ghost Festival, Ancestors' anniversaries, and so on. My parents will burn the joss sticks every morning and evening and pray. On the other hand, I only do it on  special occasions if so happen I'm back to parents' home. Otherwise I'm just some useless person when comes to God and religion. I do go to temples once in a while, not because I've done wrong doings and ask for forgiveness, but rather I was awakened sometimes and thought I need to so... ok enough of bullshitting myself and others...

Here is the main thing. I just called Lionking and he informed that his dad is finally doing well and conscious after the bypass surgery 2 days ago.. He has been unconscious since then. Thank God really, very much... I really meant it from the bottom of my heart. His mom was praying hard and she told me to pray too, when the Dad was experiencing some internal bleeding after the surgery. The blood pressures have gone up and down and only God knows (and the hospital staff too) how much blood has been wasted. I saw a big cylinder of blood by the bed side.. it makes me want to faint right there ><

Back to when his Mom asked me to pray too... the parents are Christian so I guess they pray to Jesus for speedy recovery.. But me being should I pray?? and to whom should I asked for speedy recovery?? I was stoned for a moment. If the environment wasn't so stern, I would have jokingly ask, Auntie I dunno how to pray leh...or I will say, Auntie I usually pray to the Sky God with joss stick burning, and now there isn't any joss stick and I'm inside ICU, where's the sky? where's the guan yin statue, how to pray?? But i just nodded when she asked because I've never seen such a worrying faces and the Lionking was so worry he kinda broke down. My god, I have never seen this side of him and I felt sorry and erased all the stupid thoughts of asking silly questions.

In case you readers dunno what is joss stick, here's a picture for your reference. Its the tiny stick that you burn and it has this smok-y smell (nonsense, all burnt stuff will have smok-y scent) ...which is quite pleasant scent that I like.. then after you said your prayer, you will stick them into the pot (big and small) full of  ashes. The ash came from the burnt stick itself :)

Pic of some chinese kids with joss stick from Google
Secondly, I would like to thank my colleague Anne for going lunch with me. I hardly go lunch nowadays with colleagues because i want to eat healthy and I don't want to waste too much time going out and end up eating expensive unhealthy food. Thanks to the many youngsters in the lunch bunch...they have no sense of being healthy yet cos when you are young you can eat all the junk and still looking healthy and never put on weight. Yes, no lie, I went thru this stage before and look at me now, the junk is slowly showing themselves now on and in my body and face. So, say no to unhealthy food before it's too late.

I realized I talked a bit too much... The point for thanking Anne is because, after been trying to eat healthy and ditch my lunch bunch, or rather I got ditched by them for being anti, whatever... I don't really have lunch mate now. My bunch left without asking me anymore knowing my answer will always be "It's OK, you people go.. I have prepared my lunch". So today, I have no lunch prepared and I have sudden urge for eating healthy big breakfast (pls take note: big breakfast has never been healthy anyway). So Anne was kind enough to ask me if I want to go Antipodean for lunch and I was like... OMG, my wish was granted. Again, it's proven Law of Attraction works when we try. Antipoden has one of the best Big Breakfast ever. 

Sorry, this picture doesn't do justice for the food. The actual food looks way more delicious than this. And I had my cuppa Latte... so yummy... so heavenly. And I'm so sleepy wide awake now that I think I should blog to keep me awake while waiting for time to go off.

Thirdly, thank you Prophet was Your Birthday yesterday on Thursday hence was declared public holiday. And today is Friday which usually is a dreadful jam day but i noticed 1/3 of the colleagues on my floor took a day off for the long weekend. And so happen next Monday is Thaipusam Day so it means another Public Holiday and its a longer than long weekend. Oh i just love Holidays and Thank You Malaysia for having so many holidays in a row .... :D So many holidays and I almost forgot to wake up and come to work this morning. Lol... Nobody to be blamed in this case, except you know who... lol

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