Thursday 31 January 2013

My Little Creations

I did it!! Cooking has never been my passion and kitchen is never my place. I dislike the food preparation, the oil, the heat and the washing. If I were to choose 1 of the above, I will choose washing although I hate to do it too, it was the easiest of all. 

But when you grow older and moving out from your parents house or comfort zone, something need to be done. You can't rely everyday on the fast food chains (cos these food makes you gain weight faster than you ever realized), or survive on bread, buns or instant noodles. These food make you sick, if not fat :p

So I have taken 1 step further, bought some good kitchen wares, shop for some groceries and based on some whatsapp recipes that friends sent, I kick start my mission to cook. Some simple healthy meals to keep the stomach full at the same time doesn't required much works (actually still loads of work). Combined with some ingredients (not so much on ingredients actually but rather something you can get off the shelves and eat on its own), I managed to produce some happiness on the plate. Tadaaa.... My creations .....

Mushroom soups. A canned of Campbell wild mushroom (where you can just heat up and eat/drink just like that), and a packet of Shitake mushroom, blend it to ... Errr... Not too fine. Mix into the canned mushroom and cook. The result is nicer color mushroom soup, with slight texture too.

Then I have this vegetarian soup. Lol... I'm not vegetarian, just that I couldn't find any meat at home unless my flesh count but I can't cook myself right? right? I just cut and dump in all veges I have in the fridge, carrots, cabbage, onions, tofu and mushroom again. Put everything in the pot and add in water to cover everything. I'm not sure what is this process call but my term is boil until everything is soft. Add lil bit of salt (i added too much :p) 

Then I have this lazy people syndrome. I found the easiest way to fill my stomach. That will be steaming the sweet potatoes (with skin). Steam until they are soft enough and you cut to half, peel the skin and eat them fresh. Full of carbs and fibers.... I concluded this as healthy carbs.

My friend gave me this idea to prepare egg sandwich for lunch at work. Healthy and fast preparation for a non-morning-person. Hard boiled the egg, mash them and spread onto the wholemeal bread. Didn't add anything to the mashed egg because I was taught to add mayo and pepper, but both are not my kinda thing.

Lastly, I was experimenting with this thing my mom used to prepare for tea time. I called it the Bombay style but apparently it's called the French Toast by most. What I did was, break the eggs and stir them until they look add a pinch of sugar or more, to taste. Then you dip your breads into the egg, take it out and fry them with minimal oil. Looks good ya...

See, the very easy to prepare stuff and i didn't go hungry in January 2013. Actually, i repeated the above preparation a couple of times so that I can improve and they should taste better :)

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Hall of Fame

I was half way writing another post when this song playing on the radio suddenly caught my attention. I had listen to it couple of times before but never paid attention to it, maybe because I was usually driving when the radio is on. Today, I'm listening thru the web radio at my desk :) so basically it has more info eg. Song title and artist.

I have always like The Script ~ the Irish band when they released their debut album when I was attached with Sony Music in 2008. We were having hard time getting radio airplay and pushing for digital sales. Lots of fake promises had been made to our regional office for the number of sales we can achieved. We had never made it near the promised

I was surprised to find out that this song Hall of Fame that has been playing on the radio so frequent is a song of The Script. But to be fair, it doesn't sounds so Script-ish. Lol... what am I doing here? Writing a song review? Hell no... I just want to share the song.

Here's the lyric and check out here for the music video. Sit back and enjoy :)

Yeah, You could be the greatest

You can be the best
You can be the king kong banging on your chest

You could beat the world
You could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door

You can throw your hands up
You can be the clock
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You could go the distance
You could run the mile
You could walk straight through hell with a smile

You could be the hero
You could get the gold
Breaking all the records that thought never could be broke

Do it for your people
Do it for your pride
Never gonna know if you never even try

Do it for your counrty
Do it for you name
Cause there's gonna be a day

When your, standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion

On the walls of the hall of fame

Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers

Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions
Be true seekers

Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers

Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

(You can be a champion)
You could be the greatest
(You can be a champion)
You can be the best
(You can be a champion)
You can be the king kong banging on your chest

(You can be a champion)
You could beat the world
(You can be a champion)
You could beat the war
(You can be a champion)
You could talk to God, go banging on his door

(You can be a champion)
You can throw your hands up
(You can be a champion)
You can be the clock
(You can be a champion)
You can move a mountain
(You can be a champion)
You can break rocks

(You can be a champion)
You can be a master
(You can be a champion)
Don't wait for luck
(You can be a champion)
Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself
(You can be a champion)

Standing in the hall of fame

Thursday 24 January 2013

Gratitude #2

I have couple of things to be thankful for today. But for the first time in my life (I think it is the first time), i would like to THANK GOD (although I have always blurted.. Oh God, Thank God, OMG... but these were my usual spontaneous exclaimations, and I didn't mean anything tho). I'm religionless although, I was brought up in TAOism family. We pray to the God Guan Yin, the Sky God and others and ancestors on certain dates in a year such as Chinese New Year, 1st and 15th day of Chinese calendar, Ghost Festival, Ancestors' anniversaries, and so on. My parents will burn the joss sticks every morning and evening and pray. On the other hand, I only do it on  special occasions if so happen I'm back to parents' home. Otherwise I'm just some useless person when comes to God and religion. I do go to temples once in a while, not because I've done wrong doings and ask for forgiveness, but rather I was awakened sometimes and thought I need to so... ok enough of bullshitting myself and others...

Here is the main thing. I just called Lionking and he informed that his dad is finally doing well and conscious after the bypass surgery 2 days ago.. He has been unconscious since then. Thank God really, very much... I really meant it from the bottom of my heart. His mom was praying hard and she told me to pray too, when the Dad was experiencing some internal bleeding after the surgery. The blood pressures have gone up and down and only God knows (and the hospital staff too) how much blood has been wasted. I saw a big cylinder of blood by the bed side.. it makes me want to faint right there ><

Back to when his Mom asked me to pray too... the parents are Christian so I guess they pray to Jesus for speedy recovery.. But me being should I pray?? and to whom should I asked for speedy recovery?? I was stoned for a moment. If the environment wasn't so stern, I would have jokingly ask, Auntie I dunno how to pray leh...or I will say, Auntie I usually pray to the Sky God with joss stick burning, and now there isn't any joss stick and I'm inside ICU, where's the sky? where's the guan yin statue, how to pray?? But i just nodded when she asked because I've never seen such a worrying faces and the Lionking was so worry he kinda broke down. My god, I have never seen this side of him and I felt sorry and erased all the stupid thoughts of asking silly questions.

In case you readers dunno what is joss stick, here's a picture for your reference. Its the tiny stick that you burn and it has this smok-y smell (nonsense, all burnt stuff will have smok-y scent) ...which is quite pleasant scent that I like.. then after you said your prayer, you will stick them into the pot (big and small) full of  ashes. The ash came from the burnt stick itself :)

Pic of some chinese kids with joss stick from Google
Secondly, I would like to thank my colleague Anne for going lunch with me. I hardly go lunch nowadays with colleagues because i want to eat healthy and I don't want to waste too much time going out and end up eating expensive unhealthy food. Thanks to the many youngsters in the lunch bunch...they have no sense of being healthy yet cos when you are young you can eat all the junk and still looking healthy and never put on weight. Yes, no lie, I went thru this stage before and look at me now, the junk is slowly showing themselves now on and in my body and face. So, say no to unhealthy food before it's too late.

I realized I talked a bit too much... The point for thanking Anne is because, after been trying to eat healthy and ditch my lunch bunch, or rather I got ditched by them for being anti, whatever... I don't really have lunch mate now. My bunch left without asking me anymore knowing my answer will always be "It's OK, you people go.. I have prepared my lunch". So today, I have no lunch prepared and I have sudden urge for eating healthy big breakfast (pls take note: big breakfast has never been healthy anyway). So Anne was kind enough to ask me if I want to go Antipodean for lunch and I was like... OMG, my wish was granted. Again, it's proven Law of Attraction works when we try. Antipoden has one of the best Big Breakfast ever. 

Sorry, this picture doesn't do justice for the food. The actual food looks way more delicious than this. And I had my cuppa Latte... so yummy... so heavenly. And I'm so sleepy wide awake now that I think I should blog to keep me awake while waiting for time to go off.

Thirdly, thank you Prophet was Your Birthday yesterday on Thursday hence was declared public holiday. And today is Friday which usually is a dreadful jam day but i noticed 1/3 of the colleagues on my floor took a day off for the long weekend. And so happen next Monday is Thaipusam Day so it means another Public Holiday and its a longer than long weekend. Oh i just love Holidays and Thank You Malaysia for having so many holidays in a row .... :D So many holidays and I almost forgot to wake up and come to work this morning. Lol... Nobody to be blamed in this case, except you know who... lol

Saturday 19 January 2013

I've Got Your Number...

Guess whose number i have got? Correct answer wins no prize :p

I'm just in the mood of blogging today... Rainy Sunday... Plan to go to FRIM has got to cancel. Nothing much to do at home after completing house chores. So sitting in front of the pc finding things to do after tired of browsing thru facebook... So I'm gonna make my lazy Sunday more fruitful. Blog that's it.

I said i wanted to read a book a month and this is the book I have completed for January 2013... Well done to myself, pat on the shoulder, ahem...

Sophie Kinsella is my all time favourite chic-lit author. Bought all her books and read all of them so far. Even the one written under her 'other name', Madeline Wickham.

Not going to summarize the content of the book, you want to know, you go and read. But it was a good book this one. It's bit slow at the beginning but once you have reached the peak you can't stop reading them. 


Born optimist, I love to witness happy moments... i always look at the brighter side of things... everything is possible for me, even the most impossible sister once asked why she has never seen the sad side of me. How i manage to stay happy and cheerful everyday?
The secret is.....
NO SECRET!! Lol...I'm glad being born this way. When you're sad, think something happy... when you're angry, look for your friends... have a cuppa coffee, tell them and release the anger, things will turn out better, seriously.

Regardless how bad an incident has turned out, there's always way to turn it back the other way around. Everything happened for a reason and we have choices of how we wanted it to impact us. We chose the reflection of our emotions... How we want to portray ourselves or how we want others to see, that will lead to how we react to situation, good or bad.

I have came across this song some time ago, when i needed support the most. I was working at this most disastrous company ever... lets not talk bout the bitchy incident and people there. It's part of the lyric of this song that keep me going .. I have proven to the bitches that what doesn't kills me actually makes me stronger. Clinging to these words, i  pulled myself through the tough times. Thanks Kelly Clarkson... Here's the lyric for the song "STRONGER" to share :)

You know the bed feels warmer
Sleeping here alone
You know I dream in colour
And do the things I want

You think you got the best of me
Think you've had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

You heard that I was starting over with someone new
They told you I was moving on over you

You didn't think that I'd come back
I'd come back swinging
You try to break me, but you see

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

Thanks to you I got a new thing started
Thanks to you I'm not the broken-hearted
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking about me
You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning
In the end...

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

(When I'm alone)

You may sing along here Enjoy the song and hope it keep your chin up when you are down.

Monday 14 January 2013

Gratitude #1

This will be my first gratitude post after i have sort of promised myself to feel grateful and write a Thank You note. I guess I shall do it on weekly basis.

My first Thank You Note goes to Mrs Mohiuddin and Mamanurins... ahaha.. i just love to call them with these names. Thank you for i) offering me free swimming lesson, ii) your patience with the water phobic, iii) for learning and swimming together, iv) the delicious Nandos dinner and last but not least v) the snoopy henna on my ankle. 

For the first time i don't have fear going into the pool. You gals rock!! You make me feel like a dolphin.  Maybe dolphin is a bit exaggerating but who cares, I want to swim like dolphin one day :D 

Then of course the nice artwork on my ankle. See, so cute I will die. Who can draw so freely without practice and the outcome is so snoopy ... Lol.. what kinda compliment is that

I don't have picture for our Nandos dinner. Guessed we were all too hungry to even snap a picture of the chicken platters. It was good after all. Not to mention the 2 lil angels who ate quietly. Poor things, they must be really hungry as it already past their dinner time. We eat earlier next time.

Love hanging out with you gals. More workout and healthy meal next round ok. Ciao ;)

13 for 13

This is about 13 things i plan to do or rather i MUST do in the year of 2013.

In no particular order, these are the 13 things i would like to accomplish this year. Not a new year resolution but just some random stuff that crossed my mind one day at work when i have nothing better to do completed my tasks for that day.

1. Hiking and trekking
A hobby that i have recently picked up. This year challenge is to go hiking at Nepal. I have completed a few trekking / hiking locally so, Nepal is the next big thing. Flight ticket booked, lodging booked, training... errr.. starting :)

2. Run a 21KM Marathon
Never did i realized I will go into running until I have tried it a year ago. It was really fun to be running outdoor. Seriously.. I thought  running was bored cos I was only used to running on a treadmill in the gym before that.

3. To lose 10KG 
Now this one sounds like new year resolution, lol. It has been my resolution for many years already, to lose weight yet it never really happened. With the Thing 1 and Thing 2, I'm sure its possible this time around. If i'm persistent and consistent, to achieve Thing 3 is now pretty easy :)

4. Learn to cook
This is also one of the thing that i have wanted to do and struggling to achieve. Having my own little place called home now has make this possible. Will see... anyway, I'm picking up a lil bit here and there over the past few months and I'm gonna make it better this year.

5. Eat Healthy

With this i supposed it means loads of fruits and Vegetables (fibres) and less meat and carbs although the latter(s) are still essential. Watch the amount and very soon you don't just get healthy but beautiful inside out :D This will be my major concern, to have a better complexion.

6. Sleep Early
Does this also means sleep like a baby? I'm not sure though.. but if i can sleep like one, why not. look at those skin, those eyes...don't you want them? I have developed a very bad sleeping habit over the years, sleeping really late and don't want to get out of bed in the morning. So yes, i want to sleep early and wake up early, it makes a healthier me.

7. Exercise more
60 Minutes a day is my daily target. It ain't easy  but with some good time management and determination, this is not too hard after all. You want that Jillian Michael's body, you gotta work hard to get it and I'm working hard toward obtaining it.

8. Blog more
It doesn't make sense for creating a blog site without blogging ya? So, ya just write more, express more and share more. Life is all about sharing after all.

9. Charity
Lend my hands to those in needs. Do more charity. If i could managed in terms of monetary, I will. Otherwise, anything counts when come to charity. It's the sincerity that comes from within the heart <3

10. Read a book a month
Reading has been my hobby since young. I enjoy reading as much as I enjoy surfing online. This year I will make myself read more with faster speed. This is not difficult to achieve at all.. let's see

11. Write a THANK YOU note
What's more important than being grateful for what you have had today? The Power of Gratitude says how counting your blessings can help you get what you want in life.. Okay, this one i simply say one. I haven't read the book and i don't know the content. I just want to be thankful for what I have today.

12. Travel Fund
So much i love to travel and so bad I'm at financial management. This year I'm setting aside RM10/day fund to bring me further and further around the globe ;) Manageable i think.. Better than i have the money spent on some unnecessary stuff eg. buying junk food

13. Learn to Swim
I have got a good teacher who is willing to teach me for free, so... why should i hesitate? You don't get free lunch everyday... hehe. I'm making full use of this opportunity. Btw, swimming is the best work out that don't hurt your joints and build muscle pretty fast too. Did i mention lose weight as well?

Now that i have finished listing out and putting pictures to each of them, i realized my plans for 2013 are mainly about making myself healthier and fitter. Perhaps health is the major concern when you are at this age. You are getting older but you just don't want to feel old ... lol

Oh ya, the lionking said he will quit smoking if i lose weight. He wanted 45KG, I'm sure I can give. hahaha. 

Last but not least, I have to credit google image for the pictures attached. None of the pictures were taken or own by me. For the owners of the pictures, please do not sue me. You motivate me and makes me a better person, thank you.