Friday 21 June 2013

Run Forest Run....

It's the putting on running shoes and putting away the hiking shoes time... Apparently I have been so attached to chairs, bed and never forgotten the infamous Candy Crush and becoming a couch potato after returning from Nepal. I have been giving myself the best rest, more than enough rest in fact until I realized I started to feel thick around the waistline... For almost 45 days or more I did nothing, seriously nothing about physical activity, except maybe just my fingers and eyes if these count as physical for crushing the bloody candies.
hate u candies...i will eat u
Signed up SCKL13 run earlier this year, one of the earliest to sign up...the super kiasu self. But did nothing bout running since January. The crazy weather was my excuse to not running. It was either raining cats and dogs or it was super warm that I don't feel like doing anything outdoor. The weather had also the reason why I've been sleeping late and waking up late and the chain reaction resulted no activity until the day ends. (apart from dragging myself to work and get myself stuck in traffic jam to get home)

But somehow I came to sense about a month or slightly more ago...that I must do something or I just skipped the SCKL13 despite the 'semangat' I have got to complete 21km this year. So i signed up the gym near my office. I guess that's the best decision ever...

so nice right, make me wanna run everyday

So, there I go... almost every days on weekdays... The best solution for traffic congestion. Hit the gym and stress no more. By the time I'm done, the traffic has reduced by 80% at least. C'mon this is the heart of KL City, it's impossible to have 100% traffic free. Besides the traffic, guess what else I've gained... I've gained the sight of my long lost waistlines. 

Here I'm running and running, doing mostly the cardios to increase my stamina and of cos to burn the stubborn fats. I always think running is the best to achieve both stamina and fat burning cos it requires strong core and this strong core workout actually will trim the apple shape of your body. So i have been doing treadmill, stepper, cross training machine and joined classes as well... *patting on shoulders non stop...i'm such a good girl. If 1 day I did not hit the gym, I felt something is missing from me. Ya ya, I know I'm good, thank you. So now I can check 1 item off my 2013 to do list, I'm indeed exercising more now and hope this continues. 

Talking bout classes, I have fallen in love with Zumba. Something I've heard so often but has no idea what it was. Something so fun yet so tough and people said a serious Zumba session probably burn 700-900 calories. I don't think I burn that much in an hour class but 500 cals will be too good to be true. To be honest, I don't really care how much calories were burn in each workout. As long as I keep myself moving, I guess it's not really bout the weight but the overall fitness. Eg. I probably loss like 0.5kg this entire 4 weeks which is really not significant. You can't really tell a person has loose weight if it's just a mere 0.5kg. My case was different, people thought I had probably loss about 3 kg from my appearance but the fact was I'm stuck with my old weight which increased or reduced by 0.5kg on different days. See what I meant? Everyone is different. My goal is to fit into a S size clothes, I don't give a damn to how much i weight.

Let's talk bout Zumba instead... I'm so looking forward to the classes actually especially classes constructed by this 1 particular instructor. Don't know his name but he is damn good. I can't seem to be able to find a zumba video that can be embedded. So I will put in a couple of links to show you the fun, check it out :D

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