Monday 28 October 2013

A Post to Remind Myself of How To Have Flawless Fair Skin

I have been missing from my own blog world. The thing is I have too much to do, too little time, yet I have done nothing cos I can't cope with anything. See, I'm too good at giving excuses and convincing myself that it's ok to do nothing. Geddit... geddit... lol

Been spending hell lots of time playing Candy Crush. Mine you do not start this shit if you have not. It's addictive, it's a serial time killers. Don't get yourself started is my one piece of advice. 

So I've been having sleeping disorders lately due to stress , too much things are happening in my head. And I have been sleeping late due to Candy Crush too...slap self 100x. So my skin, my appearance has gone bad. Ok, ok, it's not fair to blame the game la seriously. It's not its fault to begin with. I should thank it for letting me forgetting some of my problems while playing it.

Then I was browsing thru my facebook and I found this article bout 12 Essential Homemade Beauty Tips for Fair Skin. I so need it now. I have been running outdoor a lot lately... Yeah, I so called achieved the mission I set earlier to run a half-marathon and I did it. Well, in order to have good skin, there are 3 must do list: 

1) Drink plenty of water - ok I drink pretty much, will drink more
2) Sleep well - I wish to. How???
3) Exercise - pretty much achieved as well, 3 hrs or more in a week

Now here's the beauty tips. It says 12 but i will only jot down those I think it's relevant to me cos I don't have some of the ingredients, no doubts they can be easily found in the kitchen if you cook. But not for me, what the hell do I need Turmeric for?

1. Tea water and honey face pack:

I cup of tea water (cooled down)
2 spoons of rice flour
½ a spoon of honey
The rice flour acts as a very good scrub and honey moisturizers the skin. 


  • Mix the above ingredients and apply on the skin. Leave it on till the mask dries completely for 20 minutes or more.
  • Before cleaning the mask with water, make sure you massage the facial skin in circular motions, this is very important as it removes the dead skin and evens the skin tone.
  • Then wash your face with cold water .This gives you a fairer and even skin tone.

2. Oats and lemon face pack:

1 TBSP of oats; cooked and mashed (helps reduce inflammation and heals skin)
I TBSP of lemon juice (lemon helps lighten skin tone)
If you have sensitive skin, then you can dilute the lemon juice with water.


  • Mix the above ingredients and apply on the face by massaging the skin.
  • Let it dry for 20 minutes
  • Wash it and pat dry

3. Yogurt and dried orange peel:

  • Dried orange peel
  • Fresh and unflavored yogurt
Dry the orange peel first under the sun. That is where is pack begins.


  • Grind the dried orange peels to powder.
  • Mix 1 tbsp of it with 1 tbsp fresh and unflavored yogurt to make a paste.
  • Apply and keep on cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes 
  • Then rinsed off.

4. Milk, Lemon Juice and Honey:

  • Milk
  • Lemon Juice
  • Honey


  • Use 1 tsp each of milk/milk powder, honey and lemon juice and mix together well.
  • It should be applied on cleansed skin and left for 15-20 minutes
  • After which you can rinse it off.

5. Potato:

  • Potato slice, in pulp or juice form.


  • Use slices or paste of potato as a mask or even just the juice on tanned portions of the skin.
  • This can be applied twice to your skin.
  • After 15-20 minutes, wash off with plain water.

6. Lemon or orange rind:

  • Lemon or orange rind
  • Raw milk


  • Take lemon zest or lemon rind ( the outer skin grated), or even orange zest, dry them out in the sun (do not microwave) and then grind them to powder.
  • Store in a dry air tight container
  • Mix it with raw milk and use as pack on affected areas.
  • Wash off with warm water only.
  • Immediately use a cool toner after.

7. Healthy Diet:

With daily care and treatments nailed, what we need to monitor next are our eating habits. For without the right nutrients, our skin cannot undo the damage that it sustains on a daily basis!
Here we tell you what you should eat. In other words, a healthy diet for your skin!
The right quantities of all the ingredients need to be consumed for the skin to portray health and the fairness to show.
*mind you, these are copied and pasted. To cut it short, eat plenty of fruits and vege. You may click on the links to have further info but i didnt. Maybe i should click on the Yoga link :) 

8. Sun Protection and Care:

With all this attended to; there is still one thing you need to keep firmly in mind! Do not step out into the sun without protection! 
  • Always apply a sunscreen before stepping out.
  • An SPF of at least 30 or more depending on your skin type.
  • UV rays darken and damage your skin! So make sure you reapply every four or five hours.
These are of course not fail proof! But what if you have already spent too much time in the sun, you first need to lose the tan and burns. Try these out.

9. Homemade Tan removal:

Tans are inevitable! No matter how much sunscreen we lather on…the brutal sun these days finds a way to harm us! There are several ways to remove tan right at your home. Here is an excellent article to remove tan at home.
But here is one of the most famous tan removal packs ever!
This traditional country treatment includes the use of a mixture of besan (what is this?), turmeric (argghh, turmeric again, seriously? I need to have them in the kitchen?) and yogurt. Turmeric removes the blemishes and dark spots. Yogurt clears the excessive tan. And, besan handles the cleansing of your skin. It suits all the skin types and can be done everyday as it is very gentle. The effects are visible quite immediately but removal of tanning needs a couple of days or weeks depending on the intensity of tan.

10. Homemade sun burn cure:

Sun burns well are but natural once you hit a beach for your vacation but that doesn’t mean you need to go back to work looking toasted.
Here is one solution you will definitely love!


vinegar for skin lightening
Vinegar has antioxidants which fight free radicals and also keeps bacterial and fungal infections away. More than these reasons however, the pH level of your skin is restored effectively with the use of vinegar. Take a clean spray bottle and fill it with some vinegar. Spray it directly on the affected areas and allow it to dry. Normally vinegar dries within 2 to 3 minutes and you can instantly feel the cooling and relaxing sensation on your skin. You can follow the same procedure once in every 5 hours to prevent the burning sensation and cure your sun burn faster. (and later smell like a plate of salad too, lol)

Now I shall force myself to do at least once a week any of the above. The simplest one will be oats and lemon pack. Hahahaha...lets see if i have fairer complexion after this. On a separate note, I'm trying to have a glass of lukewarm lemon water every morning. Been doing this for 2 days and I hope it continues. Lemon is great antioxidant for skin too :D I also applied the freshly squeezed lemon juice on my face and leave it for 10mins before washing it off. I will say it feels good and the pores look smaller right after.

1 comment:

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