Monday 10 June 2013

So You Call It Eczema?

Hello hello... It has been a while... Laziness is prevailing...

And no, I wasn't diagnosed with Eczema. Someone else did. I have no ideas what is Eczema prior to this... I know it was some kinda skin diseases but I have no idea the symptoms or how it looks like. In fact, I can't seem to spell it correctly... This is how rare this word is to me.

Until recently, like a month ago... BF had this itchy patch around his feet... the spot where he got bitten by leeches some months ago... and the patches grew bigger and more and more dots appeared. Obviously it's not due to the leech bites anymore, unless the leeches went underneath his skin and give birth to more leeches biting and sucking on his blood. Dammit... i hope this is not happening.

So the first thing tat came into his mind or rather my mind was bed bugs... cos i saw a tiny little creature like an ant size crawling on the bed one day. I concluded it was bed bugs and make him did spring cleaning entirely. It's not like he's living in a dusty/dirty room/house though.. Just that any extra cleaning wouldn't kill i guess. So he did the cleaning and went to a doctor and get some sorta creams to apply. 

After a week or so, the itchiness just don't get better but worsen in fact. Then he went to see a skin specialist and was told that it was probably Eczema. What does the specialist meant by probably? Isn't there a way to define the skin diseases? He was given more medicine for consumption and application this time. It does control but didn't cure 100%... New patches like rashes still appear every now and then. Here are some pictures. Maybe someone can tell exactly what these tiny red itchy dots are;

At the elbows
on the feet. The big red dot on the left foot was bitten by leech tho
all over the body
These were taken like 3 weeks ago. Some spots had dried up and turned into dark brown colors but there are new ones coming up everyday :( It's annoying to see him scratching every now and then like every 5 minutes.

I went to search online... guess that's where u get the most of information. I found pictures of Eczema but they didn't look really like what he is experiencing. Those pictures on google images showed a bit of scaling and the patches of dots are closer to each others. His ones are rather scattered.

Then I went to google causes of Eczema and to my horror... this is the line I have gotten:
"Doctors don't know exactly what causes Eczema"... If doctors don't know, who knows??? They think it its causes by a combination of factors that include:
  • genetics
  • abnormal function of the immune system
  • environment
  • activities that may cause skin to be more sensitive
  • defects in the skin barrier that allow moisture out and germs in
It is said that some other things that will trigger the skin irritation such as:
  • soaps and cleansers
  • perfume
  • makeup
  • dust and sand
  • chlorine
  • irritants in the environments
  • cigarette smoke
As for the environment factors, here are the culprits:
  • prolonged exposure to water
  • being too hot or too cold
  • sweating and then becoming chilled
  • taking baths that are too hot or last too long
  • not using skin lubricant
  • low humidity in the winter
Well if I were to base on the findings above to conclude the causes of skin irritation on BF, I will say it was probably started with the little leech bite. The scratching definitely makes the skin condition worsen. Then before it even recovers, we headed to Nepal during early spring where the weather was rather cold and dry. Coupled with the dusty air and sudden exposure to snow with strong mountain wind, it makes the skin condition gets from worse to worst. Then when we are back to MY, the weather was extremely hot that we need to air conditioner to survive most of the time. The prolong skin drying processes definitely the root of the itchiness all over the body. And it has been with him for over a month and has yet to recover.

Let see what are the treatments that I can find on the net after the visits to doctors failed to cure/stop. And i found 10 Tips for Living with Eczema. I wonder if this title suggested that once gotten the eczema, one has to live with it for the rest of the life. Hope not, seeing the patches on his body makes me wanna scratch myself as well. 
  1. Know your Eczema triggers - eliminate all products with fragrance - including soaps, perfumes, cosmetics, and scented body lotions. Other triggers can include household cleansers, pet dander, grass, gasoline, chemicals, dust mites, and certain foods
  2. Moisture Dry, Itchy Skin often - Using moisturizer is one of the best ways to help keep eczema under control. But it’s important to use moisturizer often, especially after washing and bathing. For best results, choose a plain, unscented moisturizer.
  3. Manage extreme temperatures at home - Changes in temperature or humidity can often cause eczema to flare up. Although you can’t control the weather, you can try to control the conditions inside your home.
  4. Don't scratch Eczema patches - scratching can actually make you itch more. And scratching can also damage your skin and lead to an infection. Instead of scratching, find ways to help control the itch, such as cold compresses, frequent moisturizing, baths, and medications.
  5. Keep sweating to a minimum to avoid eczema flare-ups -  try to shower as soon as possible after a workout.
  6. Wear comfortable clothes that don't irritate skin - Cotton and cotton blends are usually the best choices for people with eczema.  Washing new clothing before you wear it can also reduce irritation. 
  7. Watch your stress level to avoid eczema flare-ups - You’re more likely to have a flare-up when you’re under stress. And yet, the itching and discomfort of eczema can add to stress by making you feel angry and frustrated.
  8. Follow skin care basics in the shower or bath - Hot showers or baths are a common cause of eczema flare-ups. Switch to room-temperature water and save the hot water for a treat once in a while. Avoid scrubbing, and use a gentle cleanser instead of soap on the areas that need it. Once done, pat dry and apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp.
  9. Protect your hands - Your hands are often exposed to water and other substances that can irritate them. Protect them by wearing rubber gloves whenever you wash dishes or place your hands in water.
  10. Use eczema medication when needed - Seek doctor advice in using medication to help ease your eczema symptoms. A doctor may suggest an over-the-counter cream or oral antihistamine, or suggest a prescription medication.
I think this pretty much concluded the information I need to know to help the BF with his itching problem. He has been living his life so stressful with work and eczema. I guess here's a little something I could do to ease up. Afterall it's his birthday today. Happy Birthday baby. I wish the itchiness will go away soon. Seeing him scratching actually stressing me up :p

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