Wednesday 13 March 2013

It's so near, it's tomorrow

I'm feeling all nervous, anxious, nausea... all at once which is so wrong at this time. I shouldn't have let these feelings taken me for a ride. Be strong... mentally, so I can conquer the butterflies in my stomach.

I'm counting down to my biggest, longest, toughest hike ever... नेपाल (aka NEPAL, see my level of preparation? lol), here I come!! I personally think that I didn't train enough...1 more day to the Himalayan land and all I need to do now is to get myself mentally ready. *Breathing in and out slowly* ... Strong mind will keep me survive the 12 days trek. When I look at my checklist, I feel like killing myself... the list got longer and longer and it never ended...Hope the trekking journey don't give me the never ending feeling.

This is my trekking itinerary from the guide. Will try to google the map and see how challenging its gonna be. 

This is the closest map I can find...hmmmm....really interesting

Then I realized it wasn't just the hike that got me nervous. Damn, it's the phobia of flying long hour on Airasia. Yes, AA flies Kathmandu on AirasiaX. I know 4.5 hrs ain't long haul flight but with AA, anything more than 1 hr is long ... for me. I keep reminding myself to  take a glass of hot milk before boarding, (just in case you asked, milk actually has calming effect) to keep myself calm. To be honest, I will pop on some pills too.... yes to that extend, my fear of flying. The fear developed 2 years ago while flying to HCMC. I was sort of a frequent flyer and things were ok prior to the HCMC trip. Now, I'm minimizing my holiday due to this reason.

Back to Nepal, clothing and necessities packed but my Gregory Sage 45L is just not big enough. Not sure is the size or my packing skill that matters. Will try to reorganize the stuff and hopefully (fingers crossed) everything will go into the backpack as planned. It's this big ok....(see pic below)
I have packed light, bringing minimal shirts and pants...and no beauty products ok. Only a tube of aloe vera for all purposes. Shit, I'm gonna look like zombie for next 2 weeks. If any friends bumped into me at Kathmandu or Langtang, I doubt they can recognize me. Lol... Joking la... It's not like I always dress to nines and suddenly surviving on a tube of aloe vera gel.

Looking at the time now, I have less than 24hrs to pack and bringing my mental to the next level... lol tell me what is next level please...In fact, at this hour tomorrow, I will be touching my feet on Nepal ground.

Let's pray everything will be alright. I don't want to catch any flu or altitude sickness. Feeling dizzy and nausea is the last thing I want while hiking in thin air... and of cos no diarrhea please...Most importantly I hope my feet and knees will be on my side throughout the journey. Dear God, I thank you in advance for not letting these little little things holding me back from completing my journey.

Now, few last things to do... check on the weather forecast, reading thru the wikipedia, checking on wikitravel and also what to shop at Nepal. Shopping brings smile or rather makes a girl giggles and forgetting their fear...hehehee...

Wish me luck...more bout the hike when I come back :D Adios...

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