Tuesday 5 March 2013

5 Things to Learn from Jillian Michaels

My close friends will know who my new role model (or favorite person) is...That will be none other than Ms Jillian Michaels. She's one of the trainers of The Biggest Loser and and and I hope I can look liker her (body wise) one day...soon.

Was google-ing for Jillian and found this piece of article released on Shine, Yahoo some times back in 2008. I thought perhaps I would copy and paste this article and share it once again to new fans... well, I'm one of them. I only heard bout Jillian in 2012. If I don't dig it out and share it, hardly people will find this piece of treasure...lol

So here's what she had to say...the interview by Shine:
I told Jillian that some of my habits—flushing rice down the toilet so I won't eat it, bringing my own high-fiber bread to brunch—stirred some controversy on the blog. "Why?" she asked. "Why should we apologize for the practices that help us manage the symptoms while we deal with the real reasons we eat? I pour candle wax on my food at restaurants," Jillian admitted. "Not wanting to 'waste food' is a poor excuse for ending up far worse off later on, dealing with all the health problems that come with obesity."
2.) RUN.
I asked Jillian if running really is the best form of cardio for weight loss. "Absolutely," she said. "There are lots of great ways to get your heart rate up, but if you want to see the pounds melt off, running is the fastest way. But I get that not everyone is built for it—knee problems, tight IT bands, heel spurs; I get it.” Whatever you do, she said, “Don't forget the weights! The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will run."
"You don't watch the Olympics and think, Hmm, I should swim for 6 hours a day like Michael Phelps, do you? But you might think about joining a pool and swimming a few times a week," she said. That's what Jillian wants people watching TBL to think, too: "If these people can lose ten pounds in two weeks, maybe I can lose ten pounds in a couple of months." She adds: "I want people to realize their own potential; I meet people all the time who never thought of themselves as athletic, but now? They truly are athletes."
"Losing weight is not about willpower—it's about moments of bravado, like the moment when you ask your waiter to take the bread away from the table right away."
When I told Jillian how much weight I've lost, she congratulated me. And then (as I always do), I added, "But I still have a long way to go." "Stop," she said. "What does that do," she said, "apart from negate everything you've already accomplished? You're being self-deprecating and disempowering, and that doesn't serve anyone-and especially not you. Be proud of what you've done for yourself."
What do you guys think—is weight loss about willpower? I happen to agree with Jillian and think it's NOT. It's not about gritting your teeth and finding the strength "deep within you"—I think that's B.S. and will leave many people feeling really bad that they can't find it. They key, I think, is to set up your environment and make decisions so that you can succeed even when willpower is nowhere to be found.

So what says you? It's so true right? We shall bear these in mind and our journey to weight loss will be much easier. 

1. Share your food if you don't want to waste them.
2. Find some times to run at least once a week. If you think you can't run, take it slow. Start walking at least, increase the speed gradually and then you are on the track. 
3. Everyone wants to shed 10kilos or run full marothon but set short term goal... it's about one step at a time. The next thing you'll see, you achieved faster than you thought you can.

If your resolution this year is bout losing weight, print this out and paste it on your wall. You'll be there in no time.

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