Wednesday 10 April 2013

NEPAL Stole My Heart

I was still in awe... It has been 12 days since coming back from NEPAL. I'm feeling lost... Sometimes I wonder if I left my heart on the Himalayan mountains or the mountains did steal my heart and I willingly allowed. I don't know how to express myself ever since then. I left the land of Never Ending Peace And Love feeling really fascinated, mesmerized and captivated and with this I concluded NEPAL stole my heart.

I won't talk bout my experience nor the hiking trip in this post. I'm gonna keep this post short and sweet. The 15 days spent there was worth every seconds and penny, seriously... And I had already thought of going back the very moment I landed at the KL airport. In fact most of us in this trip felt really reluctant to come back.

This is also the first time i shed tears in my whole travelling history... Happy tears I called it. Here's some pictures to do the talking. 

A recap of Life Philosophy, NEPAL has taught me
Thamel Street, Kathmandu
View from bus window, On the way to the higher lands
Beautiful People
Again, looking out from the bus window
Awesome treks
Snow mountain ahead
Another view of snow mountain
Guest house surrounded my snow mountains
Frozen lake
Here are just some pictures. Will go into details of the treks with more beautiful photos when I'm free. Was caught up with work since coming back...lost in pool of works... lost in reality.

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