Monday 22 April 2013

Sinus ~ Menthol Crystals for Nasal Cleansing

If you're experiencing nasal congestion, sneezing in the morning, nose blockage and all, good news is you're not the only one. But it wasn't really a good news. Sinus happens for many reasons, thanks to the invention of air-conditioner, air pollution, genetic reason, bla bla bla and the list goes on and on.

I have been having sinus since god knows when... maybe 4-5 years ago... all of sudden i was diagnosed with sinusitis... or was it even longer before that. I remembered some 10 years ago, i had KFC for lunch and soon after that, I experienced itchy nose, i guess that was some sort of nose the chicken or to the ingredients to fry the chicken. I'm not sure... All I knew was things got from bad to worse and now worst of all.

I'm now allergy to even the slightest existing of dust, cloth, cold dry air, smoke, food, pets, and all the things that come near my nose.

I had waking up sneezing non stop in the morning and in fact I sneeze while asleep that I was awaken by my own sneezing at night. If a sneeze equals to a blessing, God must have loved me so much for giving me so much of blessings.

If you are not sure what is sinus and needed longer explanation of what causes it, please check it out here

Anyway, after reading from the link and knowing what causes sinus, here I would like to share with you how you can cleanse the clogged sinuses.

It's not home remedies but you can do it at home very safely.

Buy some menthol crystals from drugstore or asked your doctor where you can get them. 
Fill a pail with 1/3 of steaming hot water (just boiled) and throw in 3-4 crystals into the hot water. Use a big piece of cloth or blanket to cover yourself (fully) together with the hot pail of steaming water. Place your face on the surface of the pail and breath in and out deeply... You may find it difficult to breathe in the menthol steam tho... try to do that for about 15 minutes or until you couldn't take it anymore or when there's no more steam from the water. Unveiled yourself from the blanket... take a few breath and cool down to let your breathing goes back to normal. Next thing is to go blow your nose. Blow out all the mucus... Something to bear in mind tho, do not press on one side of the nose while blowing the other side. Blow it out naturally both sides at the same time. You will feel your head lighten and the nasal pathway cleared. Without you realizing, you could have cleared the mucus from your lungs as well.

If you can do it every night before going to bed, it will help you in getting a good sleep throughout the night. Over a period of time, one would have blown out all the blockages and infections in the nasal. Who knows it will cure the sinusitis one day.


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