Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry Little Christmas

A little too late to shout Merry Christmas i supposed, (procrastinating always work on me) but there are still people celebrating Christmas in the other part of the world. I guess it's not totally too late. I still made an effort to be slightly on time yet slightly late.. Lol.

Merry Blessed Christmas!!

Some photos for the seasonal mood :)

Fake Snow flakes cos no snow here!

Another fake one, log cake wannabe. it's swiss roll btw

Stuffed turkey (not for thanks giving meh?)

I do get some prezzies from Secret Santa, but the real Santa didn't send me my wish list. It's alright there's always next year! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Hello, ME

I'm putting "The Procrastination" to a full stop. Decided today is the day that I should kick starting this blog. It has been a while since I decided to start blogging and it took me ages to create the blog title and another stone age for me to start typing this.
Like how the title suggested, I have passed 30 and turned another year older yesterday. Well, I’m getting really good with procrastinating and it's now or never. I hope today is an auspicious day to start a blog (typically superstitious me)..Lol
With little encouragement from my dear friend (you know who you are) I’m doing this blogging stuff. Really this isn’t something I will do on my own. I have never written a diary before, not even during my teenage years when my peers all got girlish and starting the diary stuff. Maybe I'm not good at writing and I'm kinda introvert, I feel extremely shy if people knew my little secret.
But heck, I'm getting older and my brain cells has stopped growing as I’m aware off, hence the memory limitation. So I decided to blog and document my life just in case my brain fails me in near future. Darn I sounded like I am diagnosed with brain tumour or same sort... choiii... touch wood!!! My brain is doing just fine besides the aging part. Lol. So shame no more, I will blog whatever I feel like blogging, whoever read this, read la.. doesn’t matter to me, nothing to shy. Life just gets better when you hit 30s, seriously.
This gonna be some sort of introduction to remind myself why I started blogging at the first place.  To document my life and to appreciate what life has thrown me, ultimately to share it with whoever read it.
Once again, thank you dearie for the encouragement. Not sure if you wanted to be mentioned here. Lol. Till then and I will make sure I will come back.